☕ Advisor Sunday Brew: 3 seconds to fame? 🥞 Pancakes


“Happiness is a function of accepting what is.”


The First Sip


Hey Sunday Brewers! 

If you’re into Saturday morning pancakes, you’re going to love this little story.

I think you’ll also love the 3 neurohacks for happiness I’ve got for you

…and the 4 tips for acing the first 3 seconds of any marketing video.

There’s also a brand new video from our resident copywriter on a simple tool that makes it easy to write clean, crisp, and concise copy that converts.

Okay, so about that pancake story…

A nervous San Franciscan was looking to make some new friends in these strange times, so he decided to host a Saturday morning pancake party.

He went old-school and stapled flyers to telephone poles with a simple little message:

My wife says I’m getting weird. She says I need to make friends. So I’m making pancakes.”

Curtis Kimball said he was extremely nervous and didn’t know what to expect.

“Like, this could be a really dumb idea and everyone might hate it,”  he recalls thinking.

But here’s the thing…

People LOVED it.

In total, 75 people showed up and 125 pancakes were served up. 

Kimball even started a twitter thread where he gave some of his favorite lessons learned, including:

Somehow, I think there a few business lessons embedded in there for financial advisors 🤔

Quick…how many can you find?


1 Caffeinated Neurohack


Does happiness ever feel hard to come by?

When you’re stressed, anxious, and feeling overwhelmed, it’s only natural to feel a little “in the dumps.” 

But what if you could quickly snap out of the funk?

Here are several “happiness hacks” based on neuroscience:

Happiness Hack #1: Eat more leafy greens 🍃 

Seriously…people who consume the most folate have a lower risk of depression symptoms than those who eat the least.

Happiness Hack #2: Try light therapy 💡 

Experts say 30-60 minutes of daily light box exposure elevates mood and can be used to combat seasonal affective disorder and general feelings of…bleh

Happiness Hack #3: Smell the oranges 🍊 

Citrus scents like lemon, orange, and grapefruit actually boost positive chemical reactions in the brain and simultaneously put a damper on stress.

☕  TL;DR: Feeling down in the dumps? Try these 3 brain hacks.


Marketing Psychology Quick Hit


Video content is king in 2022.

And whether it’s a YouTube video, LinkedIn video, or a Loom video for prospecting, there’s one thing you must do in order to have success.

You need to absolutely NAIL the first 3 seconds.

If you can keep someone engaged for the first 3 seconds by “stopping the scroll,” there’s a 65% chance they’ll watch for at least 10 seconds.

And if someone watches a video for 10 seconds, 45% of those people will watch for 30 seconds.

Once someone commits to 30 seconds of a video, there’s a good chance they’ll watch the entire thing.

So the question is, how do you grab someone’s attention in the first 3 seconds of a video?

  • Ditch the long drawn-out intro and dive straight into the video. Consider teasing a short yet valuable clip that appears later on in the video.
  • Use a creative opening shot that makes people think, “Well, this is different.”
  • Use people and animals to create an emotional trigger. (Viewers are drawn to people and pets much more than words on a screen.)
  • Incorporate lots of movement to engage the brain and make people actively engage with their eyes.

Homework assignment: Follow a facebook page like BuzzFeed or Beauty Studio and study the first 3 seconds of their recently posted videos.

Then create a list of takeaways that you can apply to your own videos.

☕  TL;DR: For max engagement, grab a viewer’s attention within 3 seconds.


SHIFT Nation Converasations


Some really thoughtful comments. Tell me what YOU want to know!


Wish you could write clearer? This tool makes it easy.


Weekly Industry Catch-Up


🔹 Poison no more? Just a couple of years after calling Bitcoin “rat poison,” Warren Buffet’s company Berkshire Hathaway has purchased $1 billion worth of stock in a digital bank that primarily focuses on crypto. 

On a related note, this new study shows crypto is redefining retirement planning (whether advisors like it or not).

🔹 Back to reality. Despite major sell-offs on Wall Street last week, Goldman Sachs says we’re returning to a more normal cycle where the lost art of “stock picking” will once again reap rewards for those who know what they’re doing.

🔹 Mo’ Money, Less Problems. While the old quote says money can’t buy happiness, new research shows that it can buy a life with less stress by increasing a sense of control and providing greater insulation from life’s uncertainties.


Enjoy your Sunday,

Jeremiah D. Desmarais

CEO, Advisorist


#1 in ROI-Driven Training for Advisors

Jeremiah Desmarais

Jeremiah Desmarais

Jeremiah is the founder and CEO of Advisorist® and is a 23-time award winning financial marketer, a TED speaker and philanthropist. He’s been featured on Forbes, CNN, and Worth. His work has generated over $2 million insurance leads and helped advisors in over 51 countries generate over $300 million in sales commissions. He is the author of the best selling book, SHIFT.

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