Refund policy

Purchase of courses, membership, or coaching are subject to the following independent refund policies

The Virtual Advisor Newsletter

Unsubscribe at any time by contact us at [email protected]. To ensure you are not charged again, your must contact us two business days before your next billing date. Same day cancelations will not be accepted. Missing an issue? contact us at [email protected] and we’ll send you out a second issue. There are no refunds for this product.

SHIFT Accelerator, LIFA, Advisor Podcast Accelerator

January 2022 – Present

The compliance review period for these programs is 60 days. If your compliance department does not allow the use of these programs and you have obtained proof of such within 60 days of purchase and sent it to [email protected], you are entitled to a full refund or a an exchange of another program of equal value. If you submit proof of denial after 60 days from the date of purchase, there is no refund provided. We are happy to provide an exchange for other products of equal or lesser value.

Webinar Method Founders Club

NOV 2021 – July 2022 Purchasers

This program is on a 50% Black Friday deal and there are no refunds.  If you are having compliance issues there are no refunds so please do not buy.

Aug 2022- Present

Our refund policy is simple. There are no refunds for this Webinar Only Offer.

Affilate Programs (Thrive, Wealthfound)

Nov 2023- Present

After the 14 day compliance  period, there will be no refunds. 

Virtual Advisor Formula (Virtual Advisor Appointment Engine)

We offer a 14 day refund policy for our Virtual Advisor Appointment Engine course.

You understand the following conditions do not qualify for refund:

– Lack of ambition

– Wasn’t clear on program expectations

– Too technical

– Illness of self or family

– Natural disasters

Please email [email protected] for any refund requests.


Advisorist Membership

This membership will automatically renew at the end of each agreed upon term unless either party gives the other written notice of termination prior to the next scheduled billing payment date.


The Advisorist membership is billed on a monthly or annual basis.


Each individual course or program of study (combination of courses/ module grouped together under one title) offered through Advisorist MAX

If a student cancels enrollment, in writing via email to [email protected], within 24 hours after signing up AND has not opened, viewed or signed into the course, Advisorist shall promptly refund in full all fees paid pursuant to the enrollment agreement.

Such refund shall be made no later than thirty days after cancellation. This provision shall not apply where a student has already started classes by signing in into their student account and viewing ANY course material.

A student who signs into their student account and has viewed material for a course/ module (or single course programs) will be deemed to have taken the course/class and have received all required course material. He/ she will be obligated for the entire course cost irrespective of whether or not the student is able to successfully meet the requirements to obtain course completion (for example: take and pass a test, view the course content, use tools or services inside the course).

Past billings are nonrefundable. It is the student’s responsibility to cancel their monthly billing before we process the next scheduled payment by emailing [email protected]

Students may cancel their remaining payments for courses enrolled in. We will consider the course unpaid and access removed immediately. Previous payments are non-refundable. You may resume and finish payments to regain access.


Major Media Programs including Media Mogul or any program where we get you placed on media

  • 100% refund within 48 hours and no work has started.
  • 75% refund if work has begun on your piece.
  • After 45 days if no work has started, 50% refund.
  • If compliance cannot approve the content after writers have started their piece, 50% refund and you can keep the article. Must provide proof of compliance denial within 45 days.
  • If you request a refund beyond 45 days, you are entitled to a 50% refund up to 90 days.
  • No refund once the article piece has been published to the news outlets.
  • No refunds for purchases beyond 6 months from date of purchase.

Using Elective (Learn Now, Pay Later)

NOV 2023 – Present

If a refund is not requested via [email protected] before the end of the refund guarantee period, you will be oligated to pay all fees for your loan. 

There are no refunds on past payments. 

Future payments with Elective can not be canceled.