“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”
The First Sip
Hey Sunday Brewers!
Learn how to reclaim 10+ hours of advisor productivity time this week…
PLUS…a way to use laziness to your advantage…
And a whole LOT more…
It’s all inside…
👇 Keep on scrolling!👇
You won’t find a stronger sibling bond than the one twin sisters Billie Jo Rose and Bobbie Jo Sullivan share.
When they were just 7 years old, Billie was diagnosed with leukemia.
Bobbie was a 100% match…
…and she didn’t hesitate to step in and donate bone marrow for a transplant.
The procedure was a success.
And after getting tested monthly, Billie was finally given the “all clear” 15 years later.
But that was just the beginning of her health struggles.
Several years later, doctors diagnosed her with stage 2 breast cancer.
When Bobbie heard the news, she was crushed
“In my head, I’m like, ‘Why? Why is this always happening to her? Why can’t I take some of this?”
After going through chemotherapy and a double mastectomy, the cancer cleared and Billie decided to focus on starting a family.
Unfortunately, some of her past health complications led to infertility issues…
…and doctors told her the only way to get pregnant would be through egg donation.
Guess who stepped in…again?!
Bobbie happily donated her eggs…
And this past May, Billie and her husband welcomed a precious baby girl into the world.
Billie is adamant that her twin sister is the reason she’s now a mom.
“It was just a whole thing of thanking Bobbie for being able to do this to make this all possible,” she said.
“I have a family now and it was just like the best thing ever.”
While the journey hasn’t been easy for this tight-knit duo, they haven’t lost their sense of humor.
“We joke around. Like when I’m older, if I need a kidney or something, I’m like, I know who I’m coming to,” Bobbie said.
What are siblings for, right? 😀
1 Caffeinated Neurohack
A team of behavioral psychologists and researchers discovered that the typical office worker is interrupted every 3 minutes and 5 seconds.
And without a plan for getting back on task…
…it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to where they left off.
For advisors, digital notifications like emails, text messages, and social media are the biggest distractors.
Once you figure out how to drown out the digital noise, you’ll finally see your focus and productivity skyrocket 🚀
So here’s my challenge to you this week:
Activate the “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone for one hour each morning and another hour each afternoon.
If you’re unfamiliar with this feature, you can learn more here:
📱👉 iPhone Users
Basically, it allows you to hit one button and temporarily silence all of the notifications you do NOT want…
While still enabling the ones you do want.
Try this for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon and you’ll instantly create 10 hours of distraction-free time this workweek.
☕ TL;DR: Turn your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” feature on and kiss distractions goodbye.
Marketing Psychology Quick Hit
Humans are naturally lazy.
(It’s actually a biological survival mechanism intended to conserve energy.)
And even when we aren’t being “lazy,” we’re always looking for ways to do things more efficiently.
The path of least resistance is the preferred path.
Psychologists call this the Law of least Effort.
As an insurance or financial advisor, you should keep this phenomenon in mind when approaching marketing and lead gen.
Always, always, always make it easy for prospects to contact or connect with you.
Here are a couple of examples:
- Website visitors expect to see a “contact” tab in the upper right corner of your website. Never make a visitor scroll down to the bottom to find your phone number.
- Avoid asking prospects to reply to an email to schedule an appointment. (Too much effort.) Include your calendar link in the email.
Always look for ways to reduce the amount of effort it takes for a prospect to begin a conversation with you.
Keep it simple!
☕ TL;DR: People are lazy. Give them the path of least resistance and your conversion rates will increase.
Weekly Industry Catch-Up
The first expanded child tax credit payments hit American parents’ bank accounts beginning this past Thursday…
39 million households will be receiving monthly checks for the remainder of the year.
Total cost to Uncle Sam: $105 billion.
Here’s what else happened…
🔹Inflation goes UP. If it feels like everything is getting more expensive…you’re “Spidey sense” is working.
Consumer prices jumped 5.4% last month – the largest increase since 2008.
This includes everything from sewing machines (+13%) and women’s dresses (+15%) to moving expenses (+17%) and living room furniture (+10%).
Not exactly the best time for a shopping spree…
🔹 Meme stocks tank. Fresh off “Big Short” investor Michael Burry’s prediction that meme stocks would crash…
…AMC, GME, and other “Reddit stocks” promptly aborted plans to go “to the moon” and subsequently crashed back down to earth.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve seen the end of the meme stock revolution.
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In your corner,
Jeremiah D. Desmarais
CEO, Advisorist
#1 in ROI-Driven Training for Advisors