“The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles.”
The First Sip
Hey Sunday Brewers!
You’ve heard about time-blocking, but what about timeboxing?
And did you know making one small tweak to your emails could send conversion rates soaring by as much as 371%?
Or that there are ways to turn Google into a referral partner?
All that and more, inside…
Justice Smith almost made a big mistake.
He and his 5-year-old son, Mateo, were in the car on the way home from running errands when they saw a homeless man asking for money.
Without being prodded, the little boy told his dad that he wanted to give him the 30 cents of change he had rattling around in his pocket.
Justice said he felt conflicted.
On the one hand, he was thrilled that his son wanted to be generous.
But on the other hand, he was worried what the homeless man would think when they rolled down the window and only gave him a few coins.
Justice thought about it and quickly realized that HE was the only problem in this situation….not his son nor the homeless man.
Justice recalls thinking to himself, “Dude, get over it!
“This is what we’ve been teaching him and now that he wants to give everything he has to offer in this moment…
“…you’re going to let your personal self-centeredness ruin a possibly life-long, great memory and solid teaching moment?”
So he rolled down his son’s window just before the light turned green and Mateo dropped the change into his hands.
“And the smile on that man’s face lit UP the intersection and he said, ‘God bless you little man! Thank you so much!’”
Sometimes it takes the meekness and humility of a child to remind us of the power of a smile!
1 Caffeinated Neurohack
You’re probably familiar with Parkinson’s Law.
It basically says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
In other words, if you have 45 minutes to do a task, you’ll do it in 45 minutes. But if you have 90 minutes, it’ll take you 90 minutes
A lot of times, Parkinson’s Law bites people in the rear, but you can actually use it to your advantage.
One method is to try timeboxing.
Timeboxing is a strategy by which you carefully block out very specific blocks of time for very specific tasks.
This forces you to complete the task by a specific end time. As a result, you’re more likely to work efficiently.
Check out this guide for a full breakdown of how to do it, as well as some useful apps and tools that make it easy to execute.
☕ TL;DR: Want to get more done? Try timeboxing.
Marketing Psychology Quick Hit
One of the biggest mistakes I see advisors make with email marketing is trying to do too much.
If you want to be successful with email, you need to get focused and keep things simple.
This means NEVER asking someone to perform more than one action in an email that’s designed for conversions.
In fact, research shows that emails with a single call-to-action enjoy a 371% better click-through-rate than emails with multiple calls-to-action.
If you’re asking people to sign up for a webinar, don’t make the mistake of also throwing in a call-to-action to schedule a 15-minute chat.
It won’t work.
Stick to one CTA and you’ll get better results.
☕ TL;DR: Increase your CTR by including just one CTA in emails.
What’s New in SHIFT Nation?
Simple steps to turn Google into your very own referral partner!
Weekly Industry Catch-Up
🔹 Sanctions hit hard. JPMorgan says Russia will pay a massive price for their invasion of Ukraine, with the country’s economy expected to shrink by a staggering 35% after invasion sanctions. Russian billionaires have lost an estimated $80 billion in wealth over the past couple of weeks.
🔹 Rates fall. Despite a months-long trend of increasing rates, mortgage rates fell 3.76% last week in response to global uncertainty amid Russia’s war with Ukraine. Still, rates remain 0.65% higher than they were at the end of 2021.
🔹 Growth factors. This new 2022 High Growth Study shows the 4 keys to accelerating advisor growth this year. (Hint: high-growth firms spend more on marketing).
In your corner,
Jeremiah D. Desmarais
CEO, Advisorist
#1 in ROI-Driven Training for Advisors