If you’re like most advisors, the COVID-19 crisis has your head spinning.
Social distancing rules have forced you to transition 100% of your business online. And it happened in a matter of days.
Perhaps you’re stressed?
Or maybe you’re feeling all of these emotions at once.
I get it…these are unique times.
But I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be fine.
How could I possibly know that?
Over the past few years, my expert team has worked with more than 10,000 advisors to help them generate 61,624,921 leads – all virtual.

So we know what works. And one of the biggest keys to converting leads into clients is to master the art of virtual meetings.
As a way of serving our community of advisors, we’re going to let you in on 10 of these tried and true insider secrets for conducting high-converting virtual financial planning meetings from anywhere.
1. Make the Investment
Going virtual is going to cut your overhead costs dramatically – possibly by 70% or more – and has the potential to increase your revenues (by allowing you to reach a larger target market).
Highly successful virtual advisors will tell you that these online meetings deliver massive ROI – but you have to make the investment.
It doesn’t cost a lot to get up and running as a virtual advisor, but there are some expenses here and there.
Don’t shy away from making these investments! They will deliver returns many times over.
2. Construct Your Virtual Tech Stack
Transitioning to virtual meetings requires you to have the right technology.
Thankfully, there are dozens of highly intuitive tools available to advisors – many of them free. The key is to choose the ones that fit your needs.
We call this building your “tech stack.”
As part of your tech stack, you’ll need:
- Virtual meeting software (like Zoom)
- Online meeting scheduler (like Calendly)
- Cloud-based file storage solution (like Google Drive)
- Electronic signature solution (like DocuSign).
You may also find it helpful to hire a virtual assistant from a platform like Upwork or Fiverr.
3. Learn How to Present
Don’t make virtual financial planning meetings too complicated.
You’re still the advisor, and the person across from you is still a prospect or client. The only thing that’s changed is the mode of communication.
Instead of sitting together in an office, boardroom, or coffee shop, you’re interacting remotely through a screen.
Don’t overthink this.
You will, however, need to rethink how you present.
Instead of handing out paper pamphlets and printouts, you’re going to leverage something known as “screen sharing.”
Screen sharing is precisely what it sounds like – you’re sharing your screen with the client so that they see everything you see on your computer.
It’s easy and intuitive – but you may want to practice some before your first meeting.
Here’s a good guide on how to master screen sharing (if you’re using Zoom).
4. Design Your Backdrop
When you meet with clients for virtual meetings, they’re going to see two things: you and whatever is behind you.
Make sure your backdrop is reflective of your personal “brand.”
You can use your physical office as your backdrop, or you can try virtual backgrounds. This latter option superimposes an image behind you – much like how a green screen works.
If you’re using Zoom, you can go into your settings and pick the specific background you want.
5. Optimize for Quality
There are really three major components that impact the technical quality of your virtual meetings:
The first important component is lighting. You want to avoid having bright light directly behind you, as this will produce a washed-out effect. Instead, use a three-point lighting technique.
The second key is the position of your camera. You want it to be level with your eyes (or close to it). This creates a balanced posture that’s friendly and familiar.
The third key is to test your computer’s microphone and audio to ensure that you’re clearly heard (and that you can hear your client).
6. Keep Meetings to 35 Minutes
If you’re using Zoom, the free version only allows you to hold meetings that are 40 minutes in length. If you go any longer, it’ll cut you off.
That might seem like a tight timeframe to conduct a meeting, but it’s actually fine.
We’ve found that high-converting meetings actually tend to be pretty short and focused. Target 35 minutes as a good rule of thumb.
7. Master Your Voice
Be mindful of your voice.
You want to come across as confident, poised, and informative.
Slow down your pace, pause between exchanges, and mirror the client’s tone of voice.
8. Avoid Zoom Bombing
Virtual meetings are way easier than most advisors realize. However, there are some mistakes you’ll want to avoid.
Lately, one of the biggest issues Zoom and other video platforms have had is a rise in meeting hacking. There’s even a new term for it: Zoom Bombing.
You can avoid Zoom Bombing by never publicly sharing meeting IDs and passwords and optimizing the settings so that you’re the only person who can screen share.
9. Follow Up
After the meeting, be sure to follow up to capitalize on the progress you made.
It’s a good idea to follow up later that same day (via) email, as well as a couple of times over the next two weeks.
You don’t need to be pushy – just be reassuring.
Educate, inform, and encourage – that’s a good recipe.
10. Learn, Learn, Learn
You’re new to this whole virtual meeting thing – and that’s okay!
Embrace the fact that you’re embarking on a new strategy. Whether this is a temporary tactic, or it morphs into your future business model, adopting a student mentality will help you succeed.
Find a Virtual Financial Planning Meeting Formula That Works for You
Every advisor is different.
We all have our own personality, flavor, audience, etc.
But what I’ve found from working with 10,000 advisors to help them generate hundreds of millions of leads is that it’s often the simplest approaches with the fewest moving parts that make the biggest impact.
If you want to integrate a proven, step-by-step formula into your virtual financial planning strategy – one that’s generating $50,000 per month in fees and commissions – read this important letter.